Javascript Interoperability

Javascript Routers

Out of the box, PSPS comes with two Play Javascript routers, listed below.


Holds routes for front-end related api. Present in all pages, as it is included in views  templates  bsBase.


Holds routes for back-end related api. Included in views  templates  backEndBase. This router is only available to logged-in users.

These routers are defined in HomeCtrl. In order to force browsers to reload the routers only when they change, we has the route sequence, and pass the hash value as a parameter. This is done in the following way:

object HomeCtrl {
  val beRouteSeq = Seq(         (1)

  val beRouteHash:Int = Math.abs( r => r.f + ).map( _.hashCode ).sum) (2)

    class HomeCtrl @Inject()(deadbolt:DeadboltActions, cc: ControllerComponents,
                              langs: Langs, messagesApi: MessagesApi
                        ) extends AbstractController(cc) with I18nSupport {
    def backEndRoutes = deadbolt.SubjectPresent()() { implicit request => (3)
          HomeCtrl.beRouteSeq: _*
1 A sequence of the actions in the routes
2 A hash of the above sequence
3 Returning the actual router (using Scala’s : _* operator)

And then, in the template:

<script src="@routes.HomeCtrl.backEndRoutes()?@controllers.HomeCtrl.beRouteHash"></script>


JS Library to make JS6 fetch calls using Play’s JS Routers. Supports CSRF, by adding an HTML element with id Playjax_csrfTokenValue and value of the current CSRF token.

function resendEmail(uuid){
    new Playjax(beRoutes).using(c=>c.UserCtrl.apiReInviteUser(uuid)).fetch()
        .then( resp => {
            if (resp.ok) {
                Informationals.makeSuccess("Invitation re-sent", "", 1500).show();
            } else {
                Informationals.makeDanger("Re-sending the invitation failed", "", 1500).show();